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Welcome to this unique Internet page devoted exclusively to the UFO 'abduction' phenomona!
''Abductees' Anonymous is dedicated to helping other experiencers like ourselves better understand what has happened to them. We don't pretend to know all the answers, but we believe that each experiencer has a piece of the puzzle and that by sharing information we will eventually come to fully understand the meaning of this intriging mystery. E-mail correspondence, first-person narratives of your 'abduction' experience, news reports, and in-depth research articles are most welcome from our members. All submissions will be treated with the strictest confidentiality unless by-line credit is requested. 'Abductees' Anonymous reserves the right to edit/co
ndense all submissions for brevity.
Membership Information
Membership Benefits Include:
Your Experience Published On This Page
Unlimited E-mail Correspondence
News Flashes
Latest Research Information
...and more
We're sorry, but due to the overwhelming number of inquires we receive every day from experiencers around the world, it is impossible for us to respond to e-mail from non-members. All e-mail received from non-members is held in our 'In-Box' unanswered until your annual $10 membership fee is received and you officially become a member. If you wish to support our efforts by joining our international organization and immediately take advantage of our membership benefits, please send ten dollars (U.S.) cash, check or money order to:
'Abductees' Anonymous
111 W. Bullard, Suite 102-268
Clovis, CA 93612
(Be sure to indicate your E-mail address on your check or Money Order)
Have You Had Alien Encounters?
Your answers to these 52-questions regarding common indicators of contact may be very revealing.
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